
The Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan

The Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan


  • Japan's calorie-based food self-sufficiency rate, which was over 70% in the 1960s, has dropped to 37% by 2020. The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries has set a goal of increasing the calorie-based food self-sufficiency rate to 45% by the fiscal year 2030.
    Do you consider this target sufficient? If not, what’s the target number you propose?

    [If choosing NO, what’s the target number you propose?]
    50% of the total
    We aim to achieve the food self-sufficiency rate of 50% by revitalizing family-run business which is the core of Japanese agriculture, expanding demand for domestic agricultural products, promoting comprehensive and integrated measures to improve the utilization rate of cultivated land and agricultural productivity, as well as nutrition education and local production for local consumption, and establishing a farmer's income compensation system.

  • Many of the food additives that are currently approved for use in Japan have been banned or restricted in other countries due to their reported risks.
    Do you think the current regulations on food additives are sufficient?

    We believe we should freeze and review the guideline for non-disclosure of food additives to ensure that it does not narrow consumers' right to choose, while we need further clarifications on the regulated labeling guidelines to ensure that businesses won't become reluctant or reduce the production and development of products with "additive-free" or "no-(substance)-used" labeling.

  • In response to the declining demand for rice as staple food, our government has been promoting the conversion of rice paddies into fields for soybeans and crops for animal feed by providing the Direct Payments for Rice Paddy Utilization. The eligibility of these direct payment recipients has become more restricted from the fiscal year 2022.
    Do you think the reform of d the Direct Payments for Rice Paddy Utilization should be waived?

    The government's review policy issued last December has caused confusion at production sites. The government should drop the policy once, after listening to the opinions of production sites. Then, we believe that discussions across the entire agricultural policy are necessary, taking into account the opinions of the production frontlines. We Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan legislated a system of Direct Payments for Rice Paddy Utilization and submitted the bill at the last ordinary session of the Diet. In addition, we aim to revive the individual income compensation system for farmers to dispel the farmers' concerns and stabilize the system.

  • Will you lower the higher institutions’ tuition by half as soon as possible, aiming for free higher education?

    We aim for a society where everyone has the same starting point regardless of their upbringing. We will make tuition at public universities free of charge and reduce the burden on private university students and vocational school students by the same amount as that of public universities. We will also support students' living expenses by expanding the scholarship system.

  • Japan’s public spending on education is at the lowest level among the OECD countries.
    Will you increase the budget for education in order to eliminate teacher shortages and reduce class sizes? If so, please specify by when and how much.

    [By when and how much?]
    We aim to further reduce class sizes so that each child can receive an attentive education by addressing the shortage of teachers as soon as possible.
    In order to correct the long working hours of teachers, we will increase the number of teachers and staff, increase the number of school staff, and improve the working conditions for part-time teachers to ensure that teachers have time to spend with children and to address the teacher shortage.

  • The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) promotes "Life’s Safety Education (Inochi no anzenkyoiku)" that teaches about consent and boundaries to protect children from sexual violence. However, this guideline has gatekeeping guideline called Hadome Kitei that restricts schools from teaching about actual sexual intercourse or the process of pregnancy. Due to this restriction, Life’s Safety Education doesn’t provide students with sufficient knowledge and understanding of sexuality.
    Do you plan to lift the gatekeeping restriction and promote comprehensive sex education that teaches children to respect human rights, based on scientific evidence?

    We will promote comprehensive sex education as a human right in school and social education where both men and women can gain correct knowledge about sex to prevent them from becoming perpetrators or victims of sexual violence and will eradicate crimes against children with correct knowledge and understanding of life.

  • In Japan, children of foreign nationality are excluded from compulsory education and cannot receive education unless they request it. There is concern some of such children may not be enrolled in elementary and junior high school, which are mandatory for Japanese citizens. In addition, Korean schools are excluded from the tuition support system for high school students, even though they meet the requirements for certification.
    Will you change the policy to guarantee equal educational opportunities for children of foreign nationalities, including free tuition for Korean schools?

    We will establish and promote public assistance for school enrollment and Japanese language education for all children with foreign nationality and roots, and aids tailored to the development of each child while respecting the language and the culture of their mother country.

  • Japan’s government expenditures on culture and the arts account for only 0.11% of the national budget, excluding the Covid-19 response budget. This is about one-tenth of that of South Korea and far less than that of Germany, France, and other countries.
    Would you increase public spending on culture within the national budget? If so, please specify how much.

    [How much?]
    We will aim for a budget that will enable the development of a diverse range of cultures and arts throughout Japan.
    We will promote opportunities for appreciation and experience of culture and arts in school education, as well as the preservation of the traditional culture.

  • The importance of public hospitals has been reaffirmed during the COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time, plans are underway to reorganize and consolidate municipal and public hospitals.
    Do you support the consolidation of municipal/public hospitals and their privatization or conversion to local incorporated administrative agencies?

    We will fundamentally review the "regional medical care plan" that leads to the consolidation of municipal and public hospitals and the reduction of hospital beds.

  • The government has raised the income of caregivers and childcare workers by about 3%, which is an average of 9,000 yen per month, in 2022. On the other hand, the average salary of caregivers and childcare workers is still said to be about 80,000 to 90,000 yen lower than the average of all industries.
    Do you intend to improve compensation for caregivers and childcare workers, including a further salary increase?

    We will further expand the scope of payment, and increase the amount of payment (additional 10,000 yen per month) from the government's compensation improvement plan.

  • Currently, Japan's standards for the placement ratio of childcare workers are 1 adult for every 3 children aged 0, 1 adult for every 6 children aged 1 to 2, 1 adult for every 20 children aged 3, and 1 adult for every 30 children aged 4 to 5.
    Will you improve these standards of childcare worker placement ratio? If so, please specify how much?

    [The ratio]
    We will review placement standards and promote the use of ICT and other technologies to enhance child supervision at daycare centers and reduce the administrative burden on childcare workers so that they can focus on childcare.
    [Explanation] (None)

  • Will you make emergency contraception available to purchase under the pharmacist's guidance without prescriptions?

    We will make emergency contraceptives available to purchase at pharmacies without a prescription.

  • The Maternal Protection Act stipulates that consent from the spouse must be obtained when undergoing an abortion, except in cases of pregnancy resulting from assault or threat.
    Would you repeal the "spousal consent requirement" as stated in Article 14 of the Maternal Protection Act?

    We aim to achieve sexual and reproductive health/rights for all.

  • There is concern that if the global temperature rises 1.5°C above, climate disasters, water shortages, and food problems will become even more serious and critical. However, if the current situation remains unchanged, the global temperature is expected to reach 2.7°C above by 2100, and efforts are required from each country to achieve the "Paris Agreement 1.5°C goal" to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C. The Japanese government's greenhouse gas emission reduction target is a "46-50% reduction compared to 2013 levels by 2030," but this is considered to be an inadequate level that does not align with the 1.5°C goal.
    Will you raise the target level of greenhouse gas emission reduction to 62% which aligns with the Paris Agreement 1.5°C limit?

    We will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030 (compared to 2013), achieve a decarbonized society with zero greenhouse gas emissions as early as possible by 2050, and halt the climate crisis.

  • At the COP26 meeting held in Glasgow last year, all participating countries agreed to reduce coal-fired power generation, which is the largest source of CO2 emissions. In order to achieve the "Paris Agreement 1.5°C limit", developed countries must reduce coal-fired power generation to zero by 2030, but the Japanese government has set the target number of coal-fired power generation to 19% by 2030.
    Will you reduce domestic coal power to zero by 2030?

    We will strongly promote measures to address the climate crisis, aiming to achieve 50% of power generation from renewable energy sources by 2030 and 100% by 2050, and carbon neutrality (virtually zero greenhouse gas emissions) by 2050 at the earliest possible time, without relying on fossil fuels or nuclear power.

  • As each prefecture’s minimum wage varies, there is a gap of 221 YEN between the highest and the lowest minimum wages. Estimates also suggest that about 1,500 yen per hour is actually needed as a living wage.
    Will you raise the minimum hourly wage to 1,500 yen nationwide?

    We can say neither yes nor no. With a future goal of 1,500 yen per hour, we should raise the minimum wage in stages, with public subsidies mainly for small, medium, and micro-sized businesses.

  • The introduction of the selective dual surname system for married couples is being discussed in order to eliminate unwanted surname changes and unwilling De Facto marriages.
    Will you introduce the option of selective dual surnames for married couples, which would allow both couples to maintain their surnames in the family register and still be married? If so, when do you aim to introduce the change?

    We will implement a selective dual surname system for married couples as soon as possible.

  • The Act on Promotion of Gender Equality in the Political Field requires each party to make efforts to have equal numbers of candidates of men and women, but actual efforts are left solely to the discretion of each party.
    Will you make it mandatory for each party to disclose the target ratio of women in its candidate pool?

    We will consider introducing a quota system in conjunction with the mandatory disclosure of the ratio of supported candidates.

  • The amount of Livelihood Assistance, which is used for the living cost such as clothes or utility bills out of Livelihood protection benefits, has been gradually reduced since 2013.
    Will you bring this back up to the previous amount that was set before 2013?

    We can say neither yes nor no. We will examine Livelihood protection standards that can guarantee a minimum standard of healthy and cultural living, and take necessary measures.

  • Will you enact an "LGBT Equality Law" that explicitly prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity?

    We submitted the LGBT Discrimination Elimination Bill to the Diet to prohibit the state and businesses from discriminatory treatment based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

  • Will you legislate same-sex marriage?

    We will achieve a legal system that allows same-sex marriages.

  • The Gender Identity Disorder Special Cases Act allows transgender individuals to change their sex legally. However, WHO's ICD-11, released in 2019, no longer lists "gender identity disorder" and introduces a new term called "Gender Incongruence" in the category of conditions related to sexual health. In addition, the Gender Identity Disorder Special Cases Act stipulates that one does not have a minor child, is not married, and will undergo sex-reassignment surgery. This sets extremely high barriers and some of the requirements are considered human rights violations internationally.
    Will you amend the Gender Identity Disorder Special Cases Act to ease the requirements?

    We will review the family register requirements of the GID Special Cases Act.

  • Will you reduce or abolish the consumption tax?

    Given the enormous pain caused to people's lives and domestic industries by the COVID-19 pandemic and the price hikes of utilities and products, we will lower the consumption tax rate to 5% temporarily. The government will compensate for the revenue loss to local governments that this will cause.

  • There is concern that the implementation of the Invoice System will increase the financial and administrative burden on many businesses, including freelancers and small and medium-sized businesses, and that it will prevent young talent from emerging.
    Will you terminate or abolish the implementation of the Invoice System?

    We will abolish the Japanese Invoice System due to concerns that tax-exempt businesses may be excluded from the trading or forced to close their businesses, and because the costs associated with issuing and storing invoices are burdensome.

  • The effective corporate tax rate has been reduced every year since 1984. Especially since 2015, expecting to see an increase in salaries and business investment, the effective corporate tax rate was further decreased, but such redistribution did not happen. Some argue that the effective corporate tax rate should be raised.
    What percentage do you think is appropriate for the effective corporate tax rate?

    At this point, we haven't considered a specific percentage of the effective tax rate that is appropriate.
    We will reform the corporate tax system so that the taxpayers will be required to pay their fair share in proportion to their earnings.

  • Do you think that the government should investigate and disclose the detailed use of the "Covid-19 Contingency funds" of over 11 trillion yen, the final use of which has not been precisely identified?

    The use of reserve funds is not a "blank check”. The basic principle is to use the tax money entrusted to us by the public appropriately and efficiently. The lack of transparency is undeniable. We must clarify the actual situation of sloppy handling of huge expenses without deliberation by the Diet.

  • The government guideline says that it will encourage people to obtain their “Maina Insurance Card”, which integrates the Individual Number (My Number) card and the health insurance card, and in the future aims to abolish the current health insurance card. There are various concerns such as leakage of personally identifiable information and confusion in the medical field.
    Do you support promoting the Maina Insurance Card and the abolition of the current health insurance card in tandem?

    We are against this because it will effectively force people to obtain their My Number card. It should be an option only for those who wish.

  • Do you think that the government has sufficiently provided apology and compensation to the victims of forced sterilization under the former eugenic law to remedy their human rights violation?

    Three years have passed since the enactment of the "Law Concerning Lump-sum Payment to Persons who have undergone Eugenic Surgery, etc. under the Former Eugenic Protection Law", but applications for the lump-sum payment have not increased. We believe that it is necessary to work with local governments to inform those who are eligible. The deadline for claiming the lump-sum payment is approaching, and we take the fact that there are many issues to be considered very seriously.

  • In recent years, discrimination agitation groups and online hate speech (discrimination incitement) have become more serious problems, and the Anti-Hate Speech Act was passed in 2016. However, discriminatory demonstrations and propaganda activities by xenophobic groups continue to this day, and discrimination against foreign residents and discrimination in employment have not disappeared.
    Do you agree with the swift enactment of the "Basic Law for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination" with penalties?

    We will enact laws prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, origin, etc.

  • In Japan’s Control Immigration Centers, foreign nationals, whose residency permit has been revoked but who have family in Japan or who cannot return home due to war or civil unrest in their country of nationality, are detained, sometimes for long periods of time, according to unclear criteria. Serious incidents and accidents are constantly occurring at these facilities, including deaths of detainees left without proper medical care.
    Will you stop Immigration Control Centers’ long-term/indefinite detention that is usually followed by deportation, and under certain conditions, will you issue a residency permit to the foreign citizens who stay in Japan due to the circumstances that prohibit them from returning to their home country?

    We will drastically review the current system for refugee status determination, and detention and deportation.

  • The current Technical Intern Training Program for foreign nationals is barely protecting basic human rights. 70% of the participating workplaces violate the Labor Standard Law, and so many cases of prohibiting pregnancy or marriage are reported.
    Will you abolish the Technical Intern Program for Foreign Nationals?

    We aim to establish a new employment system to replace the Technical Intern Training Program for foreign nationals.

  • The age of consent is the minimum age at which a person is considered capable of consenting to sexual intercourse. The age of consent in Japan has never been revised since it was established in the Penal Code during the Meiji era, and is lower compared to other countries.
    Will you raise the age of consent from 13 years old to 16 years old?

    We will revise the Penal Code to raise the age of consent from the current 13 to 16 years old.

  • Under the current Penal Code, forced intercourse cannot be considered a crime unless assault, intimidation, or the victim’s inability to resist is proven, but in many cases, it is difficult to prove that the victim "desperately resisted," so the damage is not recognized as damage.
    Will you revise the current Penal Code by eliminating the requirements of assault, intimidation, and inability to resist from Articles 177 and 178 of the Penal Code, and make non-consensual sexual intercourses, including intercourse with a person who engages involuntarily and intercourse that takes advantage of the situation where the victim has difficulty in forming, expressing, o pursuing their consent or non-consent, punishable?

    We will promote a review of "assaults" and "intimidation", etc.

  • The statute of limitations for the crime of forcible sexual intercourse is 10 years and for the crime of forcible indecency 7 years. In many cases, the statute of limitation expires before the victims become aware that they have been victimized, resulting in unrecognized cases.
    Will you abolish the statute of limitations for crimes of forcible sexual intercourse and forcible indecency?

    We will promote a review of the crime of forced sexual intercourse, etc. in the Penal Code.

  • Do you believe that there is an urgent issue that requires a constitutional amendment, not a legal amendment? If so, please specify what they are.

    The current ruling party's direction to revise the Constitution is to strengthen state power and is unnecessary. On the other hand, discussions to limit state power are necessary, as evidenced by the cases where the opposition parties demanded the convening of an extraordinary Diet session based on the Constitution, but the ruling party did not respond to our request.

  • With Japan's defense expenditures at a record high for eight consecutive years, there is a debate about further doubling the defense budget. At the same time, however, there is no clear funding source, and there is concern that taxes will be raised to pay and social security spending will be cut for the increased defense spending.
    Will you continue increasing defense spending?

    We need to strengthen our defense capabilities to be prepared for the rapidly-growing military technologies and the security situations surrounding our country. However, there is no strategy for what kind of capabilities to be provided. And the target of 2% or more of GDP, which is not clearly defined, and the amount of about 11 trillion yen (the increase is equivalent to more than 2% of the consumption tax) are targets that are based on the total amount and do not seem reasonable and are not backed by financial resources. We should give priority to improving quality rather than the total amount.

  • For the first time since the end of World War II, the government is mulling the "enemy base attack capability," which would allow Japan to broadly attack missile bases and other military bases in the territory of other countries. This capability would enable Japan to attack other countries without a direct attack on Japan.
    Do you agree with the possession of the "enemy base attack capability" as currently being discussed?

    It is an important issue in a realistic security strategy to comprehensively prepare deterrence and response capabilities against ballistic missiles and other threats in Japan's vicinity. While Japan has recognized that the so-called "enemy base attack" is within the scope of self-defense legally, it is a serious policy change that would lead to a change in the division of roles between the shield and the spear in the Japan-U.S. alliance, and Japan has not possessed this capability as a political decision because it could go beyond the scope of the exclusively defense-oriented policy. This decision is in accordance with the basic policy on national defense and is very serious. We need to consider whether to change the division of roles between Japan and the U.S., whether we will fall into a security dilemma that could increase tensions with neighboring countries, what to do about the possibility and cost of increased damage from retaliation or saturation attacks, and whether there are other means to neutralize the offensive capabilities of other countries. We will examine these issues from a multidirectional viewpoint, and while gaining public understanding, we will work to develop a realistic defense capability.

  • Do you aim to join the Treaty on the prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in the future?

    We the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan have been requesting the government to participate in the State Parties' meeting on the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons as an observer in order to fulfill this role. It is regrettable that Prime Minister Kishida has decided not to participate as an observer, despite the fact that he was elected from Hiroshima. On the other hand, looking at the world, we are deeply concerned that the nuclear threat is not being contained, but is instead growing stronger. Russia has threatened to use nuclear weapons, and North Korea has taken abnormal actions by launching ballistic missiles into the Sea of Japan 17 times this year. However, the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons shares the same goal as our call for nuclear abolition, and we will persistently urge these countries to move toward nuclear disarmament and strive for our participation.

  • In response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, there has been a discussion that Japan should also start nuclear sharing. Do you agree that Japan should start nuclear sharing?

    NATO-type nuclear sharing is not only unrealistic in terms of capability and in light of the NPT but also unacceptable because it could create doubts about the deterrence capability of the Japan-U.S. alliance. It would also undermine the credibility of Japan, which has called for the abolition of nuclear weapons as the only atomic-bombed country.

  • Regarding the relief for those who were exposed to the "black rain" containing radioactive materials that fell immediately after the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, the government recognized those who were outside the relief area as Hibakusha and made them eligible for the issuance of the Hibakusha Health Certificate.
    Will those who were exposed to the "black rain" in Nagasaki be included in the Hibakusha Health Handbook?

    We will achieve 60% energy conservation in 2050 (compared to 2013) and 100% renewable electricity, and create a society that does not depend on fossil fuel and nuclear power generation, while ensuring a fair transition of employment.

  • Will you commit to the safe decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, shut down all the nuclear power plants by 2030, and decommission them all one by one?

    We will achieve 60% energy conservation in 2050 (compared to 2013) and 100% renewable electricity, and create a society that does not depend on fossil fuel and nuclear power generation, while ensuring a fair transition of employment.

  • Do you agree with releasing contaminated water generated from Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear into the ocean?

    It is unacceptable to do so easily and poorly without sufficient public discussion.

  • Under the current Act on Support for Reconstructing Livelihoods of Disaster Victims, 3 million yen will be provided at maximum, depending on the extent of damage and how the house is reconstructed. However, it has been pointed out that this amount is insufficient to rebuild livelihoods if one loses their house and their job.
    Do you think that the current maximum amount of 3 million yen for Support Grants for Reconstructing Livelihoods of Disaster Victims is sufficient? If this is not sufficient, please specify the appropriate amount?

    [The appropriate amount]
    5 million yen
    We the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan and other opposition parties have submitted bills.

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